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Reports by the TWG

Future of Tax: Final Report Volume II - Design Details of the Proposed Extension of Capital Gains Taxation [HTML]

Issue date: 
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Version note: 

Issued by the Tax Working Group.
ISBN: 978-1-98-858004-3 (Online)
PDF version is also available.

1 Introduction

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1. The Government established the Tax Working Group to examine further improvements in the structure, fairness and balance of the tax system. The Terms of Reference asked the Group to consider whether a system of taxing capital gains (not applying to the family, or main, home or the land under it - referred to in this report as the ‘excluded home'), would improve the tax system.

2. The Government's objective, as stated in the Terms of Reference, is to have a tax system that:

  • is efficient, fair, simple and collected
  • promotes the long-term sustainability and productivity of the economy
  • supports a sustainable revenue base to fund government operating expenditure around its historical level of 30% of GDP
  • treats all income and assets in a fair, balanced and efficient manner, having special regard to housing affordability
  • is progressive, and
  • operates in a simple and coherent manner.

3. Whether a system of taxing capital gains can meet these objectives is dependent on the design features. This Volume outlines the detailed design decisions made by the Group for taxing capital gains. The Group's views as to whether a system of taxing capital gains based on these features would meet the above objectives are stated in Chapter 5 of Volume I.

4. This Volume builds on the decisions outlined in Appendix B of the Group's Interim Report and takes into account the Group's further thinking on the issues and feedback received from consultation on the Interim Report.

Last updated: 
Thursday, 21 February 2019